Hi, and welcome to my website!

I’m glad you’re here. Why? Because if you are reading this and are choosing to learn more about me there is a good chance that either you and I have already met, or that someone you trust and respect told you about me. It’s also possible you’re here because you read something I wrote or heard me speak.

And the odds are that there was something about the connection with me that touched the part in you that is hoping for and ready for your life, or an aspect of your life, to be different, better or changed in some fundamental and vital way.

It’s also likely that the same part of you that desires a new outlook and way of being in this world is also wondering if I am the person you can trust to help you initiate changes and find the answers you seek. You’re curious if I am the one who can walk with you as a consultant, counselor and guide as you discern, create and take the necessary steps to evolve, transform and thrive.

If any of the above fits for you, then wanting to know more about who I am and how I work with people means you are on the right path.

Because I believe, based on my own experience and from helping hundreds of people in all walks of life, that when we are searching and longing to become more than we are, we intuitively feel a connection to the people and resources that have the best chance of being a good fit for us. And that if we let ourselves, we can trust that inner, wise part of us because it truly knows who and what is going to best serve us on our life journey.

So as you read about me, my gifts, skills, professional experience and what I know I’ve come into this world to be and do, I invite you to let your heart and soul wisdom decide whether to connect with me…because that’s the same part of you that will be leading the inner and outer transformations you are feeling called to make.

Please take time to read what clients, colleagues and compatriots say about me. Because the best referrals come when someone else’s experience and success mirrors what we want for ourselves.

Oh, and one more thing. Calling this section of the website “Home” is more than simply following website protocol. For me “home” symbolizes the deep yearning we have to “come home to our hearts”, to live from the very center of our being and make a positive difference – to BE a positive difference in our lives, relationships and the world.

And that’s exactly what I am here to help you do.